The ECE curriculum provides a wide prospective of the field of electronics and allows the student to decide his future directions. As can be expected, student often diverge into related fields such as computer engineering. The ECE branch provides the perfect ground and flexibility for student who wish to go into other streams.From the very beginning, the ECE division has taken the lead in establishing well- equipped and modern Lab facilities in the Institute.
Ever since its inception, the ECE division has followed a curriculum that provides many advantages to the student. The course material is diverse and provides the engineer-to-be with a truly holistic view of life in general and technology in particular. The curriculum for the first year of the course is same for all the branches. The diversity of the curriculum becomes evident after the first year. The course consists of sufficient papers on all major fields of engineering – Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Control engineering. The final two years however are devoted almost entirely to advanced topics in Electronics and Communication Engg. such as Digital Signal Processing, Microwave engineering and Bipolar and MOS Analog IC design. The faculty has diverse interests and this encourages the students to follow any area of their choice.
JNIT is known for having very good and advanced laboratory facilities which are totally accessible to all students and the ECE Department has some of the best lab facilities. Students get easy access to the labs and are free to work on any projects they like in conjunction with the faculty. Some of the most important labs are :
This lab is used in basic electronics course for the students of all the streams. It includes experiments related to electrical & electronics.
This lab is also used in basic electronics course for the students of the ECE, EIC, IT & CS streams. Electronics Lab I includes experiments related to characteristics & working behavior of all electronics components like PN-junction doide , Transistor, MOSFET etc. While Electronics Lab II consists experiments where all electronics components are used to design practical circuits like diode as rectifier, Transistor as Amplifier etc.
This lab is related to how to design basic logic gates which are used to design digital circuits and systems. By using basic logic gates chips all the digital circuits are degined . It includes experiments like Adder, MUX. & DEMUX , Registers , Counters etc.
The Microprocessor lab is used by all the four streams students of the institute to perform experiments based on 8085 microprocessor kits and peripheral boards. The lab is equipped with 8085 kits, 8255 kits, and different interfacing kits.
This lab includes experiments related to Modulation /Demodulation techniques like in analog communication AM, FM and in digital communication like ASK, FSK , PSK modulation/demodultaion.
Experiments setup in the microwave lab strengthen the concept of generation, transmission and reception of microwave signals as well as functions of various components used in microwave systems.
Industrial Electronics lab includes experiments related to power control solid-state devices like SCR , DIAC, TRIAC and application of these devices in power control.
The lab is used for practical works related to Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing and their applications. Students learn about various DSP algorithms and Digital Signal Processors.
This lab is equipped with excellent facilities for DSP. These include :
- TMS 320 C6713 Digital Signal Processors
- ADSP-2100 based systems
- Arbitrary wave Generator
- Digital oscilloscope upto 1 GHz
- In Circuit Emulators (ICE) for ADSP chips
- Multimedia workstations for image processing
This lab includes wireless commnucation kits like Setallite commnucation , Radar communication, GPS kit which demostrates wireless communication principles in lab.
PCB Design Lab is used for practical training on PCB fabrication as well as hardware related project work of final year students. For PCB designing ,we have Ultiboard 10.0 Complete PCB Design Tool software This lab is equipped with excellent facilities for PCB Designing & include the following: PROTO-CONTACT-PCB Artwork Film maker, PROTO-CURE-2 PCB Curing machine (Oven),PHOTO RESIST DIP COATING MACHINE,DOUBLE SIDED U.V. EXPOSURE UNIT, PROTO-ETCH ETCHING MACHINE, PCB DRILLING MACHINE (PROTODRILL- 3000), PCB SHEARING MACHINE – Slash 300, PROTO DYE DEVELOPER( 2 in 1 unit),Roller Tinning machine,PCB Holder etc..
Optical networks are rapidly emerging due to the enormous bandwidth provided by the optical medium. Keeping in pace with the rapid development in technology, courses like Optical fiber and Computer Communication are being taught in the final year. This lab is being built to provide research facilities to the students.