ZOOM-E-CULTURE - Still Photography
- Participants must carry their own camera.
- Photographs clicked by the participants must be related to the VERVE events.
- Personal photos taken are restricted
- Participants must choose his/her best 10 photos for the final submission.
- The time of submission must be before the ending of the last event of the VERVE at 3:00 PM
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
- One team comprising of maximum five participants shall be allowed.
- Teams shall be responsible for arrangement of the material required to prepare the Rangoli.
- Paints shall not be allowed.
- Theme will be given on the spot.
- Time slot: - 10:30 am to 12 pm (2nd March, 2017).
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
- Single participant is allowed in the event.
- The time duration has been given to the participant is half an hour (1/2hr) 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
- There will be a “NEGATIVE MARKING” for the wrong answer.
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
MUDRA - Classical & Folk Dance (Solo, Duet & Group)
- Audio CD/Pen drive must be deposited by 10:15 AM positively on the day of the event at the registration desk.
- Music CD should be burnt in the Audio format neither in MP3 nor in the Video format.
- Please carry one stand be CD/Pendrive for any emergency.
- Exceeding the time limit will result in negative marking.
- Teams should arrange for their own music system for practice.
- Duration of performance:
- Solo: 3-4 min
- Duet: 4-5 min
- Group: 5-6 min
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card
Bridge specifications:
1. The deck width should greater than 5cm.2. The deck length should be at least 700 mm and no more than 750 mm (including bearing).
3. No construction should be done below the deck of the bridge.
Material Provided:
1. Number of sticks provided 100.2. Fevicol is used for jointing the sticks.
3. One Ruler is provided for measurement.
4. One Cutter.
5. Threads.
1. Only Popsicle sticks are provided for the construction of the bridges no other material are allowed from outside sources.2. Any other adhesive material (expect Fevicol) is not allowed in construction.
3. Thread (are used only for holding the joints , they should be part of structure)
4. The adhesive should be used only at joints. It should not be applied on the free surface of the member to increase its strength; doing so may lead to penalty of points (penalty will be 20% of your score) or even disqualification.
5. Weight of the structure should not exceed 600gms.
6. The overlapping length should not exceed ⅓ length of the Popsicle stick.
7. Maximum number of member meeting at a joint should not be more than 4.
8. All the above rules should followed otherwise your team will be disqualified from the event.
1. In a team three members can participate.2. All the members must have a valid college ID.
1. The bridge will be loaded on the mid span.2. The increment in the loads will be up to failure of the bridge.
Failure is defined as:
1. Any physical failure.Scoring and judging criterion:
1. The score will be calculated as the Maximum Load (Kg).2. Maximum Load is defined as the load (in Kg) at which the structure fails.
3. Decision made by the judges will be final.
LET'S TALK - Debate
- The topic of debate competition is “The present scenario of the political affairs and the participation of the youth in it”.
- There must be a team of 2 students one for and one against the topic.
- Time limit must be 4-5 min.
- The language must be English.
- Abusive words and misbehavior by any contest will lead to disqualification.
- If time exceeds, then there will be negative marking.
- The contestant will be judged on - Style, Confidence, Matter & Counters.
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
- Project Model can be made in a student group of 1 to 4 in number . Cross college teams are also allowed.
- Project should be of requite standard and all branches are allowed.
- Final submission include Hardware model , Poster( consisting object , principle ,circuit diagram , application )
- Last date project intimation is 2nd March 17.
Team Specifications
- A team may consist of maximum 4 members.
- The students must carry valid student ID cards of their respective educational institute.
- Team members cannot be changed after registration.
- No two teams should have a common participant.
- Teams may participate with only one robot.
- There is no restriction to the number of teams participating from same educational institute.
- The judge(s) shall be impartial non-participants.
- The judge(s) may declare a contest completed at any time.
- Judges' decisions are final.
Mouse(Simply Optical) and Headphones would be provided to all the players
- Decision to allow a team to compete or to be disqualified would lie solely into the hands the organizing commitee
- All teams are requested to bring along their college ID cards with them they register themselves for gaming.Wlse entry will be prohibited.
- Switching of players form one team to another is not allowed
- Decision made by the judges or by the organizing committee will be final and unquestionable
- Genearl rules will apply
- Each half will be of four minutes
- Gamepads won't be allowed; the game has to be played with keyboards only
- Each team shall consist of 5 players
- Players may bring their own headphones and mouse for their use
- Rest will be the general rules of CS gameplay
- Exceeding the time limit will result in negative marking.
- Teams should arrange for their own music system for practice.
- Duration of performance
- Solo- 3-4 min
- Duet- 4-5 min
- Group- 5-6 min
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
- Performance time for each DJ should be 20 minutes including sound check
- DJ participants have to get their own console and the other parts ,rest will be provided by college.
- Winner shall be announced on the same day.
- The DJ player must b a single participant.
- Abusive Words and the misbehavior will lead to the disqualification
- If the time exceeds there will be negative marking
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non objectionable
- The participants must carry their own college identity card
- The participants must carry their own material with them
- There must be only two participants in the face painting event and single participant in the sketching
- The board for the sketching event must be provided by the college itself
- The size of the sheet for the sketching will be of A3 size.
- The participants must use their pencils for the sketching
- The result will be announced on the same day.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card
- The team should not consist of more than 3 members.
- Each member from same college is mandatory.
- The robot should follow the robot specifications provided. Any deviation from the mentioned specifications will lead to disqualification.
- Once the race begins, three hand touches are allowed, if your taking hand touch you have to start from last check point.
- No test practice will be allowed on the main arena.
- Terminals for charging the battery will not be provided in the college.
- The arena may subject to change before the commencement of any round.
- If the Robot crosses a checkpoint, and moves off track, then the Robot would be placed back on the previous checkpoint crossed.
- The decision of the judges will be final and abiding. Argument with judges in any form will lead to the disqualification of the team.
Robot specifications
- Lego kits are strictly not allowed in any form.
- The L X B X H should not exceed 25 X 25 X 25.
- The net weight should not exceed 2 kgs.
- However a tolerance of 5% is acceptable.
- Wired or wireless robot are allowed.
- If RF (Wireless) controller is used, dual frequency is a must in order to avoid RF jamming. The dual frequency should be such that it can be switched to either frequency just before the start of the run.
- The length of the wire (for wired bots) should be long enough to cover the whole track (around 17m or more) and the wire should remain slack during the complete run.
- The maximum allowed voltage to power the robot is 12V.
- The structure of the robot should not be changed during the competition.
- If the robot by any chances falls from the bridge, the robot will be kept back to the previous checkpoint crossed with a penalty.
- During the game play, if any part of a robot is destructed/ dismantled/ damaged the participant will be given a timeout to repair at an expense of a penalty, while the next participant for will be called the play.
- Only 1 timeout will be given for any participant and the participant will repair it without the help from the mentor.
- A total of 5 minutes run time (arena time) will be given to every participant.
- A maximum of 3 attempts will be allowed in this 5 minutes, the commencement of the second attempt will be on request of the participant and consent of the judge.
- The better of 2 scores will be considered as final.
- If the total time taken by the robots exceeds 10min’s the participant would be disqualified.
- No readjustment is allowed during the run.
- Time limit of the event is one minute
- Exceeding the time limit may lead to disqualification
- Result will be announced on the same day
- All participants must carry their college identity card
- The decision of the judges will be final and non-objectionable
VOGUE - Fashion Show
- The Ramp will be T - shaped
- The music CD (strictly in sudio format only) should be submitted at the registration desk by 11.00 am on the day of the event.
- Please carry on CD on any emergency.
- Changing rooms will be alloted after reporting of the team.
- Time limit is of 8 minutes. Exeeding the same will result in negative marking
- Backstage helpers should not exceed 4 in number.
- There will be 2 rounds:
- 1. Free Style Rounds
- 2. Theme Round
- Team members - maximum of 14 and minimum of 6 are allowed.
- Only 2 teams are allowed to participate from a single college.
- Decision made by the judges or by the organising committee will be final and unquestionable
TECHNOZIA'17 - Software Making + Exhibition
- Each team should have two members.
- Both team members should be from the same college.
- Programming language would be : C, C++ and Java.
- Development Environment is on the choice of the organizers.
- It consists of three rounds.
Round 1
- Total time:20 mins
- Total questions: 20
- Top 15 teams will be selected in this round
- A Program with some bugs will be given to the team and their task is to debug the code.
- 10 marks for each bug removed
- Top 5 teams will qualify for the next round
- Each team will be given a problem to solve
- Team will be given marks according to the following rules:
- 1. No. of lines of code
- 2. Time taken to code
Round 2
Round 3
- Task: To design a Tower by straw, tap, thermocol and other materials specified below.
- Materials Provided:- Straw (limited quantity), Tap, Cutter and Thermopolis(40cmx40cm)
- Teams: In a team three members can participate.
- All the students must have a valid college ID.
- Decision made by the judges will be final.
Scoring and judging criterion:
- The points are divided in following categories
- 1. Height 5
- 2. Twist 5
- 3. Compression 5
- 4. Structure Stability 5
- 5. Appearance 5
- 6. Innovative ideas 5
SHODH - Paper Presentation
- Shodh is all about how you put your topic in front of public.
- You also have to make a slide of the source you have collected all the information from.
- There will be two rounds for the event.
- Prelims: Abstract submission through e-mail:
- Mains: Paper Presentation
- 1. A team of a maximum of two members will be allowed to give presentation.
- 2. Confirmation will be given via e-mail, in case the paper is selected.
- 3. The abstract of 300 words should reach by 23rd February, 2017 to the mail id(s) concerned.
Each paper should include the following
- 1. Title of the paper - as main heading.
- 2. Abstract: Each paper must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 33 words. The abstract should contain name of the author(s), e-mail address, college name and field of paper. Only SI units and standard symbols should be used.
- 3. Paper size: approximately 3500 words, A-4 sized paper must be used.
- 4. Appendix: Lengthy mathematical analysis, whose details are subordinate to the main, should be put in the appendix.
- 5. Full text space arrangement: left margin 1" right margins 0.5", top margin 0.5" and bottom margins 0.25". 1.5 lines spacing. Text should be typed in letter quality, preferably on laser jet printers of IBM type writers.
- 6. Font size:
- Title: 16 (Times New Roman / Bookman Old Style / Arial).
- Subtitle: 14 (Times New Roman / Bookman Old Style / Arial).
- Text: 12 (Times New Roman)
- The participants should bring two hard copies of the paper and soft copy on two CDs.
- Participants are required to write their name, college name and paper title on the CD and submit the same at the registration desk, half an hour before the commencement of the event.
- The time allowed for a presentation is 10 minutes, for interjection and questionnaire.
- The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
- The presentation should be in MS Powerpoint only.
- The LCD projector and OHP will be available.
- Extra time taken by the participant(s) will cause negative marking.
- Decision made by the judges or by the organizing committee will be final and unquestionable.
- Following are the topics given to prepare your paper presentation from:-
- CS / IT
- Neural networks
,Mind Reading Computer
,Distributed systems
,3D Optical Data Storage
,3D Internet
,E-Ball technologies
,High performance
computing ,Real-time and Embedded systems ,Bio-inspired computing ,Quantum computing ,Google Glass
- Neural networks
,Mind Reading Computer
,Distributed systems
,3D Optical Data Storage
,3D Internet
,E-Ball technologies
,High performance
- CS / IT
- Mobile communication
,Wireless technologies
,Ad-hoc networks
,Sensor networks
,Mobile computing
,Computer network,
DSP and Image processing ,Satellite communication ,Optical communication ,Information theory and coding ,Zig Bee ,Virtual instrumentations ,VLSI Design
- Mobile communication
,Wireless technologies
,Ad-hoc networks
,Sensor networks
,Mobile computing
,Computer network,
- Alternative fuels for I.C. Engine
,Smart materials
,Composites material
,Advance automobile technology
Buildings energy efficient ,Advances in mechanical engineering ,Aerospace engineering ,Advances in Air-conditioning and refrigeration System
- Alternative fuels for I.C. Engine
,Smart materials
,Composites material
,Advance automobile technology
- The team size could have a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 members.
- The teams will be supposed to solve the clues.
- Top 5 teams will take part in the final treasure hunt.
- Any unfair means or indisciplinary act will lead to immediate disqualification.
- Abusive words and the misbehaviour will lead to the disqualification
- If the time exceeds there will be negative marking.
- Decision made by the Convener will be final and unquestionable.
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
DOODLE DRAFT - Mehandi, Tattoo and Nail Art
- Participants of the of the event must carry their own material (nail paint/ colors/ mehendi cone/ etc)..
- The participants of the tattoo competition shall bring their own subject.
- The time slot of the doodle draft must be of 2 hrs (11:30 am - 01:30 pm).
- The time slot of the nail art must be of 30 mins (12:00 pm - 12:30 pm) and the result will be announced on the same day
- The decision of the convener should be final and non-objectionable
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card
- Only 1 team from each college is allowed to participate.
- Each team could consist of min. 5 to max. 8 members.
- The theme for the Nukkad Natak should reveal a social issue, and should clearly illustrate the message as well.
- Time for each performance is 10 mins.
- Maximum participating teams can be 10; hence the selection of the teams will be done on first come first serve basis.
- Teams are free to use props in their act of performance
- No offensive language / words against the any specific person, Indian Constitution, religion or caste is allowed during the performance, doing such results in direct elimination.
- No costumes will be provided by us.
- Negative marks for exceeding the time limit
- The participant who will eat the maximum food items in the pre describe time those which are given by coordinator.
- No spitting of food is allowed.
- Any type of food medium for swallowing the food is not permitted.
- Vegetables / fruits and choppers will be carried by participants.
- Time limit- 12:50 pm
- Team size should not exceed by 3 members.
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card.
- Audio CD / pen drive must be deposited by 10:00 AM positively on the day of the event at the registration desk.
- Music should be in the Audio format Neither in MP3 nor in Video format.
- Please carry one stand by CD / pen drive for any emergency.
- Exceeding the time limit will result in negative marking.
- Duration of performance
- Solo - 3-4 min
- Duet - 4-5 min
- Group - 5-6 min
- All the participants must carry their own college identity card
- Each song should be between 3-5 minutes.
- Five members can participate from an institute.
- Music support will be provided by VERVE Team
- There will be two rounds.
- Exceeding the given time limit will result in negative marking.
- Participants must bring their own instruments. Instruments allowed are Harmonium, Tabla, ghungroo.
- The final decision will rest with the judges.
- Team must submit the lyrics of the song neatly printed in A4 size paper, along with names of all singers
RHYTHMIC SQUAD - Western Dance
- Audio CD / Pendrive must be deposited by 10:00 AM positively on the day of the event at the registration desk.
- Music should be in the audio format, neither in MP3 nor in Video format.
- Please carry one stand-by CD / Pendrive for any emergency.
- Exceeding the time limit will result in negative marking.
- Duration of performance:
- Solo - 3-4 min
- Duet - 4-5 min
- Group - 5-6 min
- The Result will be announced in the same day
- The decision of the Convener should be final and non-objectionable.